Why eNurture Marketing is Unique and Works

#1 Way to Nurture Your Nurturers
(women patients that gather and nurture)
Who Advocate & Refer Your Practice
How in 5 Minutes a Week
Your Best Patients are Referred ... by Your Existing Patients
Your New Dynamic eNurture Marketing Articles Stream into Patients' Inboxes.
eNurture also builds and adds patient traffic to your static website.
How to increase your current Website SEO:
When eMagazine articles are sent from a separate website, (like HRI e-Nurture vs your website) the patients who click and link to your website each week increases your SEO No worries (if you have no current website or its not yet finished). No need to wait. Your eNurture broadcast web system also has a "Home Page" (you setup in minutes) plus an "About Us" page. No need to wait for update or new website... when that only loses more time on aging relationships that could be lost due to delays if you don't take 5 minutes of action now.
3 Easy Steps - in 5 Minutes (or less)
- Registration
- Easy Header Setup
- Quick Email Addresses Upload
Thereafter Your Send Pre-Written eMagazine Articles Weekly
- Preview of 4 articles sent Weekly (1 minute each or faster if you skim)
Your ROI can only begin once you register: Click Here for your FREE 60 Days
Click on the screen captures below for a larger view.
Personalized Masthead
Select Weekly Articles
Add Your Comments
"A Must-Have" for Increasing Appointments - Growing Your Practice!
Proven Team & Formula's
Original prewritten article content women seek and look forward to receiving from you.
Tested and proven sought after, once they gradually realize health valuable information is contained that enriches their lives (with 1/4 or more are lifestyle articles proven to keep women engaged looking forward to the next email from you).
Your New eNurture Marketing Team Developed the #1 Doctor's Website Traffic in the World (mercola.com)

More traffic than:
Former CEO of mercola.com plus his proprietary formulas and highly trained team are now your team... at very affordable fees.
Your New eNurture Marketing Team Developed the #1 Doctor's Website Traffic in the World (mercola.com)

More traffic than:
Former CEO of mercola.com plus his proprietary formulas and highly trained team are now your team... at very affordable fees.
Women Have Proven to be the Most Ferocious Readers of Health...And Nurturers!
Women are gathers and nurturers (while men are hunters and seekers). Thereby know that even female Doctors educated by men have personal preferences and behavioral tendancies that are not the same as their female market.

Doctor Reported eNurturing ROI
- Increased Patient Compliance (patients arrive informed seeking treatment)
- 10% - 30% More Appointments within 6 - 12 months with weekly campaigns (vs. monthly campaigns). Monthly takes as much or more than 400%-600% longer to build awareness recognition of your sent nurturing email articles than 4 weekly.
- Signup, upload your inactive and active patients email addresses, report your gains, then gain FREE 60 days service upon submission of each of your 6 month reports.
Doctor "First-to-Market" Dynamic Website (vs. Static)
All of your "First to Market" Upload/Added Patients are Protected
Be "the first" to upload all your patient's email addresses and no other doctor will be able to upload and send same ones in their eNurture Marketing database. The system by design protects and does not allow duplicate uploaded patient email addresses.
Be "the first" to upload all your patient's email addresses and no other doctor will be able to upload and send same ones in their eNurture Marketing database. The system by design protects and does not allow duplicate uploaded patient email addresses.
6 Formulas Behavioral Principle Toolsets (proven basis)
- Written for women: Who nurture and refer others
- Articles are always a majority of diverse health and life style topics... diverse interest that engage and align with women's interests. NOT solely or even primarily focused on your services. Just as on the Dr. Oz show, only a fraction of the topics are ever on his heart surgery expertise. Otherwise women would be bored and unsubscribe. Topics are focused on women's interest while keeping you and your practice "top of mind... sought after ... looking forward to weekly." Do not misjudge weekly sent as being too often. Dr. Oz is daily which followed in the footsteps of mercola.com because most women want information on health and life style topics they can use and share.
- Never written as "tell & sell" (as eMagazines by others usually are), so patients feel nurtured no one feels "told & sold"
- Two or more out of 4 articles are always "life style" with sources so you are not expected to be the expert even on health topics. Women are typically responsible for finances, etc. in their households so we do provide topics including on taxes at tax time etc. that they benefit from such insights. .. which keeps them engaged and looking forward to your articles.
Prewritten Articles Sent to Patients Inbox (vs. static)
Most if not nearly all websites are static destinations that web marketers charge a lot to push patients to visit Doctors websites. Or that cost a lot to build only to be a destination vs. broadcasted regularly ideally weekly on the same day providing patient perceived valuable content in articles with your brand name on them.
Nurturing Nurturers Women who Nurture Friends and Neighbors
- Women are "gathers & nurtures"... it's their Nature
(Men are hunters and seekers: "They don't get-it") - Practitioners' Male "Type" learned Behavior Based Conundrum (solved by letting go: Allowing our Behavioral Experts deliver for you)
e-Nurture Proprietary Formulas (Dr. Oz couldn't buy)
After his tenure as CEO of mercola.com, our CEO John Dearlove chose not to work in same capacity for Dr. Oz, or anyone of many Doctors and companies with even Billions of annual sales.
John Dearlove and his former mercola.com team instead chose to build a more sophisticated system to support you and many other Doctors using his proprietary proven eNurture Marketing formulas.
Highly Trained Behavioral Marketing Formulas' Experts
You get Dearlove's Unique Team: Researchers, Writers, Technology Software & Hardware Team Members enabling you the potential opportunity to exponentially grow your practice and your static website which is linked / sent for you.
John Dearlove and his former mercola.com team instead chose to build a more sophisticated system to support you and many other Doctors using his proprietary proven eNurture Marketing formulas.
Highly Trained Behavioral Marketing Formulas' Experts
You get Dearlove's Unique Team: Researchers, Writers, Technology Software & Hardware Team Members enabling you the potential opportunity to exponentially grow your practice and your static website which is linked / sent for you.
Best New Patients are Referred by Your Existing Patients
Ever wondered why your solicitations and offers often result in patients looking for deals, freebees, discounts, entitlement attitudes, who show up late if at all?
Have you noticed that new patients referred by other patients are your best patients?
eNurture Marketing is the best CONTINOUS medium for your existing patients o forward articles, introducing and referring you and your practice. No gimmicks! No giveaways! No solicitations that make your patients feel uncomfortable or pushed! All natural they simply nurture... it's their nature! Easiest continual stream of your patients nurturing new patients for you!
Have you noticed that new patients referred by other patients are your best patients?
eNurture Marketing is the best CONTINOUS medium for your existing patients o forward articles, introducing and referring you and your practice. No gimmicks! No giveaways! No solicitations that make your patients feel uncomfortable or pushed! All natural they simply nurture... it's their nature! Easiest continual stream of your patients nurturing new patients for you!
Two eNurtureMarketing Campaign Options
Option 1) "Weekly" Patient Outreach Sends
Option 2) "Monthly" Patient Outreach Sends
Note: "weekly" has proven to be most effective by over 400% sooner responses at same cost
Signup as a Monitoring Practitioner uploading and monitoring your "inactive patients email address" and get 60 days free upon submission of every "6th month" report.
- Four Prewritten Article Inclusions or Op-outs Each
Option 2) "Monthly" Patient Outreach Sends
- Eight Prewritten Article Inclusions or Op-outs Each
Note: "weekly" has proven to be most effective by over 400% sooner responses at same cost
Signup as a Monitoring Practitioner uploading and monitoring your "inactive patients email address" and get 60 days free upon submission of every "6th month" report.
Signup as a Monitoring Practitioner
Gain FREE extra 60 days every 6 month report
Uploading and monitoring your "inactive patients email address" and get 60 days free upon submission of every "6th month" report. SIGN UP
Uploading and monitoring your "inactive patients email address" and get 60 days free upon submission of every "6th month" report. SIGN UP