Practitioner' Association Program

Your Association's Benefits as Your Practitioner Members' Advocate

For Your Doctors:

We provide your Doctors Personalized Branded eNurture Marketing� weekly sets of articles that we send for your Doctors to their patients.

How YOUR GROUP HRI eNurture Marketing works

Example Doctor's Patients Reach and Frequency

2,500 patients (active & inactive)
     x   5* referral forwarded articles
12,500* progressively increasing number of patients and prospective patients
     X   52 weeks sets of articles
650,000* sent sets of article patient impressions

*Note: Forwarded articles by patients resulting In referrals have been reported by Doctors to be seen the most often in the sixth to twelve month periods and ongoing thereafter.

Timing of patient visits increases are often said to be graphs like a hockey stick.

Your opportunity to introduce the benefits to your Doctor Members:

10% to 30% More Patient Appointments
  • More New Patient Referrals
  • Increased Patient Acquisition
  • Reactivating Inactive Patients
  • More Patient Visits

Reduced cost (passed along savings):
  • Only $120 a month (vs. $300)
  • Only $995 annual option (vs. $1,850)
  • Savings vs.

Pus % of Member's Fees Contribution Support to Association
2.5% of fees contributed to your Association
   X 1,000 participating paid members fees
= $36,000 (annual contribution)

Example 2:
2.5% of fees contribued to your Association
   X 2,000 participating paid members fees
= $72,000 (annual contribution)

You're Not in the eMagazine Business - How Do You Sign Up Members?

We are pleased to help you with your promotions that you send your members.

We Make It Easy! Take a Look

Call or text CEO John Dearlove today to discuss further. (224) 522-8950

Ask about our unique practitioner "Patient Retention Protection" and how it benefits you too?!